No. 89/Kp/V/1995



Considering :

In view of :


To revoke :

The Decree of the Minister of Trade No.132/Kp/Vl/94 dated June 28, 1994 on goods subject to import regula.tions.

To stipulate :


Article 1

Hereinafter referred to as :

Article 2

(1) The companies appointed as approved importers (IT) for foods and beverages shall be :

(2) The quantities and types of foods and beverages that can be imported by the IT as meant in paragraph (1) of this article shall be stipulated by the Minister of Trade.

Article 3

(1) The companies appointed as IT for :

(2) Any import realized by the IT as meant in paragraph (1) points a, b and c of this article shall obtain prior approval from the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade.

(3) Applications for the import of milk basic materials as meant in paragraph (1) points a and b of this article shall attach documents as evidence of absorption of domestic fresh milk according to the effective ratio.

(4) The finished milk products that can be imported as meant in paragraph (1) point c of this article shall be those whose trade marks and types are registered at the Ministry of Health.

Article 4

The companies appointed as IT for ammonium nitrate shall be PT (Persero) Dahana and PT Multi Nitro.tama Kimia.

Article 5

(1) The companies appointed as IT for certain other goods shall be:

(2) Any import realized by the IT as meant in paragraph (1) of this article shall obtain prior approval from the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade.

Article 6

(1) Motor vehicles in completely built up (CBU) condition to be imported shall be subject to the application of SNI No.1411-89-A or IS0.3779-77 and 3780-76 on vehicle identification numbers (VIN).

(2) All types and trade marks of motor vehicles in CBU condition to be imported shall be those already registered at the Directorate General of Metal, Machine and Electronic Industries, Ministry of Industry.

(3) The import of motor vehicles in CBU condition whose types and trade marks have been domestically pro.duced shall be realized by general importers (IU) without certificates of non objection from trade mark holder sole agents.

(4) The types and trade marks already domestically produced as meant in paragraph (3) of this article shall be determined by the Minister of Industry.

(5) The import of motor vehicles in CBU condition whose types and trade marks are not yet domestically pro.duced shall only be realized by approved importers/sole agents (IT/AT) as meant in Article 1 point e of this decree.

Article 7

(1) In order to be approved as IP (producer importers) as meant in Article 1 point b of this decree, the relevant companies shall file applications to the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade, by attaching :

(2) The companies submitting applications for approval as IP as meant in paragraph (1) of this article shall not be required to obtain recommendations from relevant technical agencies.

(3) Approval or rejection of the applications as meant in paragraph (1) of this article shall be decided upon within 7 (seven) working days as from the receipt of complete and correct application documents.

(4) The quantities and types of goods that can be imported by IP shall be stipulated by the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade.

(5) The companies already approved as IP shall submit reports as evidence of import realization to the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade, and the Directors General of relevant technical ministries every 6 (six) months as from the granting of approval of IP.

(6) The models and contents of approval of IP as well as reports shall be as contained in Attachments II and III to this decree.

Article 8

(1) Excepted from the import trade regulations as stipulated in this decree shall be:

(2) The exception from import trade regulations for the goods as meant in paragraph (1) of this article shall ex.clude goods subject to import bans and motor vehicles as personal effects.

(3) Exceptions to the import trade regulations as stipulated in this decree can also be granted with the approval of the Director General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade, or authorized officials, for the import of goods :

Article 9

The import of goods subject to this decree whose L/Cs or RIBs bear the date of stipulation of this decree or a previous date, can be realized on the following conditions :

Article 10

With the enforcement of this decree:

Article 11

Except for the tariff headings exempted from import trade regulations, with the enforcement of this decree the approval of producer importers (IP) granted before the issuance of this decree shall remain valid as long as the companies concerned are still engaged in their business activities.

Article 12

Any violation of the provisions in this decree and its implementation rules shall be liable to revocation or freezing of the importer's identification number (API) or approval of producer importers or appointment of ap.proved importers.

Article 13

Other matters which are not yet sufficiently regulated in this decree shall be further stipulated.

Article 14

This decree shall come into force as from the date of stipulation and proper improvements shall be intro.duced in the case of errors being discovered in this decree.

For public cognizance, this decree shall be announced by publishing it in the State Gazette of the Repub.lic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta,
On May 23, 1995


The Minister of Trade No. 89/Kp/V/95
Date : May 23, 1995